Monday, September 16, 2013

Seven months, seven onesies.

This month we have entered the homestretch of Kio's first year. I would be lying if I said that I haven't been thinking about his first Halloween / Christmas / birthday from the moment I found out I was pregnant!  All of those exciting events are just around the corner but to start, I'd like to spend a little time in the past.

September marks the one year anniversary of The Hirano Family blog! There have been times when third trimester exhaustion and the new mama balancing act have made me think about giving it up, but encouraging comments from friends and family have always brought me back to it.

Thanks to all of you who continue to take an interest in my ramblings.

On top of that, my sister has threatened to pen a defense in honour of her feet, and there is no way I'm giving up until that little gem makes its way here.

So where were we a year ago? 

The Bean was just that. He (although we didn't know that he was a HE at the time) was about 18 weeks old and weighing in at just 250 grams. Basically, the same as a package of cream cheese. 

I was spending the majority of my days battling morning sickness and living off of soda crackers. To this day, the idea of eating one of those dry little monsters turns my stomach.

Shin was busy looking to buy me the Scoopy of my dreams. 

And Mikan, although totally mental, had not completely lost her marbles.

We had just begun telling people outside our immediate families that I was pregnant; we were so wrapped up in expectations, excitement and nerves. 

It all feels like a lifetime ago!

Kio is now seven months old and the little porker weighs about nine kilograms.

I spend the majority of my days trying to find new and interesting ways to entertain Kio. So far, dancing around the apartment to 80s music is at the top of his / our / my list.

Shin is busy looking to buy me the car of my dreams.

And at the time of this writing, Mikan's marble bag is completely empty, more on that another day.

The most exciting thing we have to report in the life of Kio is FOOD! 

I had been looking forward to starting solids with Kio for ages. I am pretty sure if Shin had to listen to me waffle on about the first food decision any longer, his marble bag would also be empty.

In the end we went with carrots.

For the first few days Kio tolerated us poking food into him, but after that he would have nothing to do with it; we were lucky to get a couple spoonfuls in before he clamped his mouth shut or spit it out.


I was so disappointed! I love food. Shin loves food. Mikan loves food. How can our baby not love food!?

Seeking advice from friends, family and the Internet I tried lots of tricks to get him to eat.

I fed him in the morning as he is always happy then.

No go.

I tried using a mesh feeder.

He chewed on the plastic end and mashed the food in his hair.

I tried feeding him bananas. Every baby likes bananas!

Eek! Allergic reaction.

I tried eating my breakfast at the same time so he could watch me 'enjoying food'.

My breakfast was cold and he still wasn't eating. Now neither of us were enjoying food.

This went on for three weeks. I was getting ready to give up and try again at a later date, when my sister suggested that I purée his food more than I had been.

And that's what I did.

I mashed it. Blended it. AND ran it through a wire sieve.

Since then, Kio's belly has been happy and full (not to mention his diapers - ugh)! His favourite is applesauce and when in doubt I just mix some of that in with whatever else is being served up; he's guaranteed to eat it. That has made for some pretty gross food combos, but he's eating AND enjoying it so I'm fine with that.

Yea food!

Kio's other big achievement this month was sitting. He seemed so content with rolling everywhere that I was pretty sure he couldn't be bothered with something as boring as sitting in one place. As with everything (including eating) he did it in his own sweet time.
When will I learn?
This month's onesie was designed by Shin's six year old niece, Sara. She came to my baby shower and on the way there, expressed some misgivings about hanging out with the with people that she had never met, in a language that she couldn't speak. Fair enough! That's a lot to put on the plate of a six year old.
She ended up having a great time! She loved playing games and trying some rather unusual foods (if you remember The Sugar Fairy served up my pregnancy cravings - fried chicken and maple syrup anyone?!) And she was in awe of "Brandy's tall lady friends". But most of all she enjoyed making something for The Bean.

On the day that Kio turned seven months, I sent her a picture of him wearing the onesie that she designed. She emailed back saying that Kio is the cutest baby and that she loves him.

I couldn't agree more!

By the way, I couldn't get the snaps to close at the bottom of his onesie. I think that we'll be doing sitting pictures from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Great pictures! I have a quick question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
