Saturday, May 11, 2013

Three months, three onsies.

Kio is three months old and he has the onsie to prove it!

This month's onsie was designed by the fabulous Anna. You may remember that she also designed the onise for Kio's first month. Twelve months in the year, but 9 guests at my baby shower. Thus, there will be two more Anna originals to appear during Kio's first year.

Rather than writing four letters to go with her onsies, Anna employed friends that couldn't make it to the party to write letters. This month was a very special letter from daddy! Although the contents are between himself and Kio (and me of course!) I do have to share that he signed it "Shin".

We had a good laugh over that.

Month three has been a big one for Kio. Lots has been going on but most importantly, we're sleeping. 

Both of us.

For hours at a time!

And it is bliss.

In the last twelve months I've learned so much about being a mom. I've read books, googled everything under the sun, asked our pediatrician a million questions and received advice from moms more experienced than myself. But the one person that has taught me the most is Kio. 

Setting schedules, starting routines, deciding how much to eat and when, has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Kio. When he is ready he'll do it and not before. As such, these days I spend less time listening to advice and more time listening to my baby. 

And it's working.

Kio started off the month by going to bed without a fuss. He no longer cries (and cries...and cries) when it's bed time. He eats and then it's lights out. A little less crying is always a good thing.

After that he decided that he no longer needed to eat every two or three hours in the night. Bed time is around 9:30 (late enough to see daddy off to work) and he now sleeps until 4:00 before waking again. Even then it's just for a quick snack and he's out for at least a couple more hours.


With all this sleeping going on I now have more 'me-time'. My dishes get washed, my laundry gets done, my house gets cleaned and my blog gets written. This was actually published on the 11th, Kio's three month birthday!

Another big change for us is that Kio now sleeps in in crib at night. Up until a little over a week ago Kio slept with me. It made night feedings much easier but also meant that I was constantly worried about rolling on him or smothering him with my blankets - making what sleep I was getting not all that restful. On the day that Kio started sleeping in his crib he also started trying to roll onto his tummy. He didn't quite make the full roll, but someday he will. I don't think that I'd ever get any sleep if I had to worry about him rolling out of bed on top of everything else.

I had researched how to transition your baby from co-sleeping to their crib in books and on the Net. I'd also asked questions on a forum I hang out on and come up with a plan of attack.

Not necessary.

I placed Kio in his crib at bedtime ready to start employing all of the sleeping techniques I'd armed myself with...but he was sleeping soundly within minutes.

Totally sprawled out in his own bed. Love it!
Sleeping was the big one for us this month but there were also a few other firsts.
Baby's First Sushi
 Baby's First Passport Photo
This is going to be his picture for the next five years. We also had a good laugh over that - and will continue to each time we see the picture.
Finally, Kio had his first laugh. He often smiles and giggles when tickled, or when hanging out on his play mat. He wakes up happy and smiling every morning but we hadn't heard a real laugh until last week. Shin was playing with him and I heard the best sound ever.
My son letting out a big old belly laugh.
From two rooms away.
Sounds like he's going to have his mom's laugh. I couldn't be more proud.

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