Saturday, February 9, 2013


Of all the 'symptoms' that accompany a pregnancy, nesting is the one that I've looked forward to the most. According to Pregnancy Weekly, nesting is "an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world."

Other than the 'new baby' bit, it sounds like a regular day off in the Hirano household.

As many of my friends and family know, I am a bit of a neat freak. Some (like my mother, for example) might go as far as to call me anal. I don't do clutter. I don't do dust. And I don't do 'nothing'.

Obviously, the concept of nesting totally appeals to me.

In mid-January I cut back my hours at work and at the beginning of February I officially started maternity leave. To be honest, I was rather worried about spending so much time around the house; I thought that boredom would set in rather quickly. As such, I made sure to have lots of things planned to keep me occupied: lunches with friends, weekly doctor's appointments, even a few trips back into work to tidy up some loose ends. But between outings I've been doing some 'light cleaning'.

As the saying goes, "idle hands are the Devil's workshop."

I'm not sure if I am truly experiencing the nesting phenomenon, or if my cleaning is the bi-product of being a neat freak with too much time on her hands. Either way it's starting to become annoying.

Since the beginning of February I've scrubbed every surface that I can safely reach. While doing so I have been careful not to do any heavy lifting, stand on chairs, or use overly stinky cleaning products. But that means that SOMEONE has to pick up the slack.

And by someone, I of course mean Shin.

Of all the 'symptoms' that accompany a pregnancy, nesting is the one that Shin has feared the most.

Where I lean more to the OCD side of the personality scale, Shin is definitely on the laid back end of things. He doesn't really do cleaning and he certainly doesn't do it to the point of obsession.

Bless him for being such a good sport.

He's assembled baby furniture. Cleaned all of the air conditioners inside and out. Reorganized our storage shelves. Moved the fridge so that I can clean behind it. And even gone as far as to vacuum the balcony at my request.

Generally when I blog, I like to include some pictures to go along with my ramblings. You may have noticed that this entry is somewhat lacking in that department. After crib building session I decided that it was best that I leave the camera alone.

A good start.
A rather irritated ending.
Perhaps Mikan and I were being overly 'helpful'.
After vacuuming the house for what feels like the hundredth time this week (being home all the time sure makes things dusty). I realized that not only am I annoying Shin, but I'm annoying myself. So I stepped away from the vacuum and made an Important Things To Do list:
1. Finalize a name for our son.
2. Pack my bag for the hospital.
3. De-cat proof the baby stuff.
Now that seems like a productive use of my / our time.

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