Friday, February 1, 2013

The Final Countdown.

It's February! I'm no longer counting the months. I've even given up counting the weeks. Yes ladies and gents, the final countdown has begun. Before I get started, a little something for your listening pleasure...

Seventeen. The number of days until the Bean is due to make his grand entrance.

Ten. The number of things on Shin's "To Do Before The Bean Arrives" list. Most of them are typical 'fix the leaky facuet' type jobs, but there are also more pregnancy related tasks. Painting my toenails is one such example.

Nine. The number of times I've had to reattach the wall decals around the Bean's crib. "Attaches to Any Surface Except Walls" should be how the packaging reads.

Eight. The number of baby essentials I have left in their original packaging / wrapped in garbage bags / covered in tin foil so that the cat doesn't sleep in them: stroller, car seat, Moses basket, crib mattress, diaper bag, nursing pillow, babysitter seat and crib bedding. Of course this is a losing battle - eventually we will need to use these things. Might give it a week or so and throw in the towel.

Seven. The number of pounds the Bean weighed as of his last growth scan.

Six. The number of stretch marks on my belly - three on either side of my belly button.

Five. The number of times I woke up to pee last night.

Four. The number of pairs of shoes that our son already owns. This makes me proud.

Three. The number of attempts it took to successfully put on both of my socks this morning.

Two. The number of items packed in my hospital bag. In case you were wondering, the two items are both towels. I suppose I should think about gathering up some clothes, maybe a toothbrush one of these days.

One. That would be tired mama to be. Don't seem to be able to do anything without taking a nap afterwards. Clean the bathroom, nap. Eat lunch, nap. Vacuum, nap. This is actually what I did today.

Zero. The number of centimeters I have dilated as of my OB visit on Wednesday. Boo.

I realize that this countdown went from seventeen to ten and then down to one. Cut a girl some slack - I had to nap twice just to get this much out. Plus there was all that time I spent rockin' out to Europe.

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