Saturday, October 19, 2013

Eight months, eight onesies.

As it was getting closer to Kio's eight month 'birthday', I was thinking that the past month had been pretty standard and that I wouldn't have much to write about in this post. Good thing this last week has been full of fun and games!

Fun and games you ask? Well if a new tooth, magic, and exorcist-like vomiting sound like fun and games to you, then you're in for a treat!

Kio now has three teeth; they're all lined up in a row on the bottom - nothing on the top yet but I have a feeling that those pearly whites aren't far behind.

There seemed to be more drama surrounding the appearance of tooth number three than there was for the other two. Kio was pretty miserable for about a week and much of his misery (and mine) was the result of not sleeping.

Naps were few and far between and nighttime wakes ups were frequent. 4:00 in the morning became Kio's new playtime, during which time I'm fairly sure that I became an expert at singing and playing in my sleep.

We were both tired and cranky but then one morning that little tooth just popped through and suddenly everything was back to normal.

Like nothing happened.

Well except for the total exhaustion, and that disappeared after a couple of days where mommy decided to screw cleaning the apartment, and enjoyed a mid-morning nap along with baby Kio.

Don't you just love pics of sleeping babies!?
Next on our list of news-worthy events is what Shin has dubbed "Kio Magic". 

Kio's magic act starts off with him selecting a toy of the perfect size and shape. There is actually a process where he picks up toys and examines them before deciding on the best one for his 'trick'. He then takes said toy and balances it on the end of his thumb...


To average, non-magic folk, this might not seem like an overly complex feat. But I have tried it several times myself, and have yet been able to balance anything as long as Kio can. This is more than likely because my hands are neither clammy or covered in slobber, but shhhhh, we wouldn't want to ruin the magic!

For me the most exciting part of 'Kio Magic', aside from the insane cuteness of it all, is watching him explore and discover new things. Everyday he finds something new (or rediscovers something old) and he spends time examining it from every angle; he tastes it, shakes it, and hits the cat with it before trying to balance it on his thumb.
Insane cuteness!
In Kio's seven month post I wrote about finally getting him to eat. Now he LOVES food - taking after his cousin Asher who titled his sixth grade valedictory address, "I like food...all food!" We have been experimenting with lots of different things, but since the banana incident, I've only introduced one food at a time and given him a few days to get used to it before starting the next one.
One afternoon Shin and I were talking about what to give hime next and Shin suggested scrambled eggs. Now, I've done all my research about foods that are generally considered 'no-nos' for infants and eggs were sitting on the fence. Some sources said absolutely no eggs before one year, others said that they should be introduced early on as it helps to prevent sensitivity / allergies later on.
In retrospect, I should've erred on the side of caution.
Kio and I shared scrambled eggs the next morning for breakfast and he loved them. About five minutes later the area around his mouth turned red (the same as with the banana incident). He was smiling and happy so I decided to carry on as normal and got him ready for his morning nap. We sang a song, read a story and then I put him in his crib.
And thats when the vomiting started.
Buckets and buckets of eggy vomit.
He threw up all over himself and his bed. I stripped off his clothes, popped him in the shower and then dried and dressed him as quickly as I could. As I was going to the kitchen to get his insurance card and head to the doctor (which is conveniently located on the ground floor of our apartment building) he threw up again - covering me and the kitchen floor. Doing my best not to panic, I quickly exchagned my t-shirt for a clean one (leaving some vomit in my hair in the process) and we headed out the door. We made it out of the elevator on the ground floor when round three of puke-fest happened.
We were drenched.
I decided to 'screw it' and just go to the doctor covered in puke but as I turned to corner, Kio gave one more heave, and I thought that it would be best for all concerned if we did a quick change. Could I really subject all of those moms and kids to our puke covered selves?
I ran back upstairs, put clean shirts on both of us, conditioning my hair with more vomit, and then burst into the doctor's office.
What a sight we must have been.
The receptionist bumped us to the front of the line and the doctor checked Kio over and then told us that he is allergic to eggs but he's fine.
Thanks dude.
He gave Kio some medicine and we booked an appointment for allergy testing in a couple of weeks. Kio and I went home and straight to the bath and then went to bed for a nap. After such a nutty day, Shin and I went out for sushi for dinner. I went to the bathroom and upon my return found Shin feeding Kio raw tuna off the ends of his chopsticks.
He loved it!
For Kio's eighth month I squeezed him into a onesie designed by my busines partner-in-crime, Midori (whom you may remember from her superhero feats in my post The Green Lady).
It was a really tight squeeze and I had a good laugh at his ultra-fitted-T; I can't really call it a onesie as there is no way it would snap shut at the bottom.
I think he found it pretty funny too...

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