Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Girls.

A comment from Shin:

"DD is very big."

A man of few words but he tells it like it is.

Long before my waistline exploded (although if I am being 100% honest, it exploded years before I got pregnant...sigh, never mind) my boobs doubled in size. This happened over a very painful, and rather itchy 2 week period. I was well aware of what was going on, but didn't really acknowledge it until I caught a high school boy looking down my shirt on the train.

High school boys are lechy at the best of times, so I didn't think much of it when I caught him taking in an eye-full. From past experiences, a bit of eye contact is usually enough to cause them to blush and change cars, but not with this kid. I swear he was like one of those dogs in Saturday morning cartoons with his tongue hanging out and his eyes bulging, AOOOOGA!

I decided to ignore him, maybe he was actually just a kid that looks like a cartoon dog, and continue reading my book. As my stop approached I stood up and caught a glimpse of my reflection in window. The first words that popped into my head:

Porn star.

Somewhere between work and the train station I had unknowingly popped a button and become my new alter ego, Chesty McJugsalot. Seriously, there were boobs everywhere.

Using the twist tie from the extra bag you always get with your baguette, I MacGyver'd my shirt closed for the ride home. Through fits of laughter (which caused the twist tie to fly across the room) I told Shin about my adventure, to which he simply responded "DD is very big".

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